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Jette is a dancer from Estonia whose dance journey started already when she was 8 years old. After dipping her toes into many different dance styles from ballet to folk and hip-hop, she discovered social dancing in 2016 and fell in love. She enjoys Latin-American social dances like salsa and bachata and is especially passionate about Brazilian dances like samba de gafieira and Brazilian zouk. In 2024 spring she travelled to Brazil and had a chance to take classes from local teachers and attend local dance events.

After years of studying different latin dance styles, visiting 16+ international congresses to learn from the world’s best and participating in competitions, she started giving dance classes and workshops. At the moment she is teaching weekly ladies styling classes to women in Tallinn at K.Dance studio.

When she is not dancing or teaching dance, she is working as a graphic designer or taking care of her home and garden.

Dance Teaching Experience

  • Dance teacher at K.Dance studio in Tallinn (from fall 2023 to present)
    Ladies styling classes of Brazilian zouk, salsa, samba de gafieira, lambada and more.
    Substituting for bachata and salsa partnerwork classes as needed.
  • Dance classes at Casa de Baile (2023 April)
    Brazilian zouk partnerwork (substitute teacher), Brazilian zouk ladies styling workshop.
  • Zouk Ladies Styling dance workshop for Twirl Time online class series (USA) (2021 January)
    Brazilian zouk ladies styling.
  • Dance teacher at Latin Passion studio in Tartu, Estonia. (2020 fall)
    Brazilian zouk ladies styling, bachata partnerwork.
  • Latin dance workshops for Osula Trennielamus (2019)
    Brazilian zouk ladies styling, bachata.

She is available for giving group dance classes, workshops and private classes – find out all the different ways to work with her here.


In December of 2022 she was a guest in “Ühenduses” podcast about social dance. Listen to the episode on Spotify (in Estonian).