When looking for high heeled dance shoes for latin dances like bachata, salsa, kizomba or others, most physical stores I have visited so far haven’t had much choice in terms of color and design. If you are looking for some glamour and sparkle in addition to your plain practice shoes then in this post I’m going to share links to online stores with pretty collections. They’re either sites that my dance friends have recommended or where I have ordered shoes myself.

Many girls I know have ordered cheap shoes from AliExpress. Shipping usually takes a long time and the quality is probably not the best, but it’s an affordable option if you’re on a budget or don’t want to invest yet.
I have a pair from AliExpress that I got in an almost new condition from a fellow dancer – they look great and were super soft right from the start, but the heel of the shoe is already starting to tilt to the side, so they might not be the most long-lasting.

A couple of girls I know who have been social dancing for years recommended this brand, saying that their shoes are really comfortable. Alvares have a wide selection of shoes, both for men and women, and also dance clothes.

A quite well-known brand among the salsa and bachata community. They also sell dance clothes in addition to shoes, both for men and women. I personally did not have a good experience with these shoes, they aren’t suitable shape for my feet, but you might still give them a try.

They make tango shoes but they can definitely be used for other dances as well. Years ago I ordered a pair from there and I was happy with how quick the shoes arrived and how they looked. However since I was such a rookie, I ordered multiple sizes bigger than I needed, with a very thin heel, that did not support my untrained ankles. I’d give it another chance now that I actually know what to look for!

Madame Pivot
My first zouk teachers who are actually Argentinian tango dancers used to order their shoes there and recommended this brand to me. I believe these tango shoes could very well be used for other styles as well, plus they look great!

A company that’s based in Portugal and has very pretty shoes. I’ve been eyeing some models for a while now, but haven’t made the purchase yet. They have a quite decent looking men’s collection too.
When it happens that you order online but find out that you got the wrong size/fit or you just end up not liking them, you can see if any other dancers would be interested in purchasing them. For girls in Tallinn, Estonia they recently made a Facebook group for selling pre-owned dance shoes.
Lastly, I want to mention that for girls looking to purchase their very first pair, I’d still recommend going to a physical store. The shop assistant will help you pick out a model that fits you best and is suitable for beginners. You can also read my article about how to know if any of your regular heels could be used for dancing.
Thanks for reading and see you in the next blog post 🙂